The cast of the Thai BL series “Two Worlds” charmed the media at a press conference in Manila on September 13, 2024, ahead of their fan meeting. Nat, Max, Gun, Mon, and Pak, introduced themselves with warm smiles, marking the third Philippine visit for Max and Nat to connect with their devoted Filipino fans.
Two Worlds is a 2024 Thai BL drama series that focuses on the life of Khram who was pulled into a parallel world after his beloved, Phupa, was murdered. It was adapted from the web novel 2 Worlds: โลกสองใบ ใจดวงเดียว) by Prang (พราง).
“Nat” Natasit Uareksit, “Max” Kornthas Rujeerattanavorapan, “Gun” Thapanawat Kaewbumrung, “Mon” Taechin Phaisanwan and “Pak” Varayu Pusomjitsakul gamely answered various questions from the press.
For MaxNat, given that your previous series Naughty Babe was a romantic comedy and Two Worlds is a fantasy drama, what lessons are you hoping that the viewers will take away from this project and why do you think this insights are important?
Max: It is to love unconditionally and that the time is very important.
Nat: I agree to Max that time is really important because as you can see in this series, every second is very important that he can lose his lover anytime, that he really cannot find him in the future.

For Mon, Pak and Gun, if one day you run into someone from your past, who made you cry, what would you say to them?
Pak: I will say that I’m okay now and take care of yourself.
Gun: I will say thank you to the person who made me cry and look at me now, I grew up, and I grew up very, very well and I have improved myself. I just want to say thank you to that person.
Mon: I just want to tell that person that never mind about what happened in the past and just recognize (remember) the moment that we spent together.

For everyone, if you could travel forward in time, what kind of life would you want to see your future self living?
Gun: I want to see myself in the future that I can take care of my family, especially my father and my other, and I would like to have my own business that it really can run by itself and like have a passive income in which I just have to control it and then I have income everyday.
Nat: The most important for me, I would like to focus about my career path, especially in the entertainment industry. I would like to see how further, how far that I can be in the future, and I really look forward to myself in the future.
Max: I would like to see myself to be a millionaire and happy.

Gun: So I would just see myself in the future, please, just take care of me (to Max).
Pak: For me, the most important, of course, it is about work. I would like to succeed in the future and I just wish that I don’t have any sickness in the future, and of course, I want to be a billionaire.
Mon: I want to have a house by the lake and just take care of my dog and I just have to work out.
Gun: Additionally, I want to see that I am very famous in the future as an actor, but if course, it will not just happen without these actors so we go far, we go together. I wish that we can have a show in an arena in Thailand.

For everyone, what was the most challenging scene you had to film in Two Worlds, and how did you prepare for it?
Gun: The most difficult scene for me is with my auntie. Before the filming, we prepared and had an ice breaker together, and then the one who will act with me also gave me a lot of suggestions. That’s why we had the ice breaker, and then we can perform this thing very well.
Max: The most memorable scene or the scene that I prepared for so long, was the scene that I was in the cave. So I had to prepare my physical health for this scene for so long.
Nat: If you haven’t seen this series until the last episode, you won’t know about this scene. It is the scene about he died, he already passed away. However, they are in the parallel worlds. So in another world, he already died and in the other world, he still exists. I was confused, and it is really and emotional scene which makes me very confused about my emotion. Should I be happy to see him again? Is this real or is this unreal? So it is really confusing.

Pak: So for me, I’m the type that doesn’t like any extreme activity like roller coasters. I cannot take that. So there is a scene where I really have to fall in a hole, but how can I tell myself, that the hole is not there? And how can I pretend that I really fall in the hole? So it is very hard thing for me.
Mon: There was a scene about Russian roulette. I was with the other actors, it’s like I have to do it real. How can I do it in real?
For Mon, Pak and Gun, what’s the funniest behind the scenes moment during the filming that you haven’t shared to your fans yet?
There was a scene where Pak needed to jump into the pool. Everyone laughed at him because he looked like a frog, but they all said that he was a cute one. Before jumping, they needed to make sure he was wet, as the scene required that they need to get wet in a single take. Instead of using water, the staff accidentally sprayed alcohol because the containers were similar. Everyone was laughing during the set, but the filmed scene was cut from the series.
Max also told us a funny story about a scene where he had to wake up Nat by squeezing a fruit on him. But it didn’t go as planned! He tried and tried, but the fruit just wouldn’t pop. Then, the juice was splashed everywhere – except in his mouth. It was so funny and everyone was laughing, and it became a really memorable moment for them.
It’s been few months since Two Worlds wrapped up, what do you miss about your characters, and what can your fans look forward to from you in the future?
Max: I just miss everyone, all the staffs in the series, especially in the scene where we have to shoot in the forest, out of the city.
Nat: I missed the food, and we had the chance to shoot in the nature so we can see different scenes in the series and I miss my character being fresh with everything.
Pak: This series really made me realize my ability. This made me really improve my ability and how can I show it to people and in this series.
Pak also shared that he, Mon and Gun will have an upcoming series entitled “Doctor’s Mine” and that we should wait for it and asked us to support it also.

Mon: Personally, I miss everything about the series especially when we went to the countryside or in the province, we visit the waterfall, the nature, and right now, we still keep in touch with each other and we still talk about this series that we don’t want it to end and just hoped that in the future, we will meet each other again.
Gun also shared that they will also head to Brazil soon for a fanmeeting and they are all excited.
Two Worlds Fanmeeting in Manila is brought to us by Wish Us Luck.
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