Road To Boston (1947 Boston) |Korean Film Review

Road To Boston (with the Korean Title “1947 Boston”) is a 2023 film based on the true story of athletes Son Kee Jung and Suh Yun Bok who fought for their right to join the Boston International Marathon under the Korean flag.


Ha Jung Woo as Son Kee Jung
Yim Si Wan as Suh Yun Bok
Sung Woo Bae as Nam Sung Ryeong


After World War II, South Korea finally receive freedom from the Japanese oppresion and Korean athletes are aiming to earn their win for the glory of their country. Two athletes who lack financial support emabark on a journey to race for Korea during the 1947 Boston International Marathon.

Release date: September 27, 2023

Yim Si Wan is the perfect lead actor for this film

Known for his role in the drama “Run On”, I guess we couldn’t find any other actor who would fit the role “Suh Yun Bok” other than Yim Si Wan. When I heard about the film, I got really excited when I saw his name because I know that it’s gonna be a good one and it didn’t disappoint.

The film is based on a true story

“Road to Boston” didn’t just give a story of a runner who aims to win in an international marathon, it also gave us a story of Koreans during post-Japanese colonization in Korea and how the Americans take over the country. I also love how the film showcased how Koreans fought for their rights as Koreans after the colonization period. I could talk more about this but I want you see it first hand when you watch the film.

The heartwarming storyline

Sports films and Kdramas always has a special spot in my heart. I’ve never seen a sports-themed show before that doesn’t give a heartwarming story and this film is no exception. I have to say that the beauty of an athlete’s story isn’t the time that they are taking the trophy or they’ve reached the finish line, it is about the little steps they conquer everyday to make things work for them and their career.


  • Mikhaela Javier

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