It’s been months and I felt a lump in my throat that I wasn’t able to bid a proper farewell to you before because for so long, it feels like I have no right to do so. They were all mourning when you left but it was a moment that I am lost as well.

The year just started, is it cold up there too? I am re-watching one of your shows “Moments at Eighteen” and I feel like I’ll be crying a lot every time you appear on screen. In 2023, I had coverages in numerous events but MOONBIN & SANHA Diffusion in Manila Fancon is one of the most heartwarming one I’ve attended so far.
It was a moment I can still vividly remember especially when the fan project played and tears just started falling without me noticing it at all. For so long, I am longing for a genuine feeling of fan-idol interaction because things are too tough for me lately and attending events no longer felt like an escape from the real world. It is so memorable that I can still hear you voice as you read the banners that the fans prepared for you and Sanha.
How is it up there? Down here, things are really rough for me lately. As things get bigger, it become more burdensome and things felt more unreachable. I can’t believe it’s been almost a year now since you left and that means I’ve been listening to your songs within that period.
I think it was really a blessing that I was able to attend one of your last shows. Your songs really gave me so much comfort throughout the year. I wish I was able to give you the same comfort that your songs gave me.
I don’t exactly know why I am writing this but I hope one day, I’ll be able to properly thank your for being a part of my life and for creating wonderful songs that touches lives. I know our Moonbin is now up there shining like the star he is on stage and looking after us.