You & Me & Me | Thai Film Review

As I normally scroll on my Netflix recommendations, I came across a Thai film entitled “You & Me & Me” which I find weird and intriguing at the same time. Here’s a quick rundown of my thoughts as I watch the film.


Me & You and You is a film that circulates in the story of the identical twins named “Me” and “You”. As they grow as teenagers, they have the same taste in food, outfits and more. The only difference is that “You” is a bit more outgoing than “Me”. They also met Mark, a guy that both of them started to like.


Baipor Thitiya Jirapornslip as You / Me
Tony Anthony Buisseret as Mark

You & Me

“You” gets more suitors than “Me” because of her outgoing and stubborn but fun personality. However, When Mark and “Me” became a couple, “You” is having a hard timing catching up with her feelings.

The strong bond of “Me” and “You”

As siblings who lived together since birth, you’ll seriously think that “Me” and “You” are the same person if you’ll randomly see them on a street. Even their teachers and schoolmates can’t directly tell who is “Me” and who is “You” unless they base it on the mole on their face.

Similar but different

Twins are normally compared on how they dress, how they act and their physical appearance. There is no difference for “Me” and “You” as they are often compared by people. Still, I love how the film managed to show that despite the similarities, “Me” and “You” have their own identity and characteristics that are unique for each of them.

Year Y2K

I’ve seen a lot of Y2K films and dramas but this is a bit different because they gave us the perspective of teenagers who only based the doomsday solely on what they saw in television and books.

Aside from the infamous “Y2K” belief of people, it’s really nice to see films that featured the early versions of cellphone where Nokia phones are the most “in” brands.

You can watch Me & You & You on Netflix.


  • Mikhaela Javier

    Oppa is Life is a page I created in 2019 when I felt the need for another virtual space to pour out my feels, musings and fangirl experiences. It started as a Facebook fanpage but I later on decided to open other social media accounts because a single Facebook page just doesn’t feel enough.

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