A “triple-threat” in the industry, the multi-faceted Thai celebrity Mew Suppasit came back to the Philippines to meet his fans at the recent “Mew 2023 Fanmeeting in Manila” held at Samsung Hall, SM Aura Premier last October 27.

“I miss Manila’s energy!”
It was definitely a Friday night to remember as Mew opened the show with two unexpected English songs including “Adele’s Rolling in The Deep”, and Miley Cyrus “Flowers”, each rendition suiting his warm balladeer voice. The crowd, whom Mew fondly calls his “Mewlions”, roared in excitement, and sang along with him.

Mew greeted the audience and danced with them to amplify the energy in the room. Mew recalled on the moments he shared with the fans when he first visited Manila in 2020 and talked about how he felt the love and support of the fans since then.
Mew’s face just lit up every time his Mewlions would scream and cheer for him, and his bright smile was a sight to behold. He also made 3 poses onstage so that the fans could capture it with their cameras.

To get to know Mew a little more, he gamely had a short Q&A moment where MEW picked three keywords that best describes him:
“Just Mew”
Mew The Fashion Icon: “When I [was] born, I [was] naked.” – Mew also burst into laughter as this random answer came out from him. Mew teasingly promoted his series “Something in The Wind” as he pointed out that he had a sauna scene in it. Just Mew: A hidden talent that everyone wanted to have, Mew shared that he can sleep everywhere. He blushingly danced a bit to a lively music as he did a sexy yet comical dance and let the audience decide if he is a good dancer.
Mew, the singer: To share some of the songs he listens to now, he said he recently listened to “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran, “Gento” by SB19 and “Despacito.” Mew was asked by the fans to dance to these two last songs, but he wasn’t so sure with the choreography.
Pinoy Henyo

This might be the first time that Mew played Pinoy Henyo but he surely is a quick learner. He was able to guess five out of eight words that’s related to him, the Philippines and Thailand.
He successfully guessed the words “Chopper” (his Pomeranian dog’s name), Mew, Pad Thai (traditional Thai food), Manila and Mango. As a reward, he gave the fans three cute poses including a big heart pose. After the games, Mew performed the English song he wrote entitled “Spaceman.”
A trip with Mew

When Mew’s song number was over, the host introduced another segment called “Mew, Let’s Go On A Trip.” Mew shared some of the items that he carries whenever eh goes out including a phone charger, his phone and perfume.
Mew tries Pinoy snacks
Mew tried some our favorite childhood Pinoy snacks including banana chips, ensaymada (which made him want to workout on the spot because he finds it sweet and salty) and Choc Nut. He also picked banana chips as his favorite.

Mew also sang his 2021 hit song, “Season of You.” Right after, he watched the fan project prepared by Filo Mewlions. It is definitely a heartwarming moment when the fans said “I love you, P’Mew” in various Filipino dialects and the live audience sang “With A Smile” by Eraserheads for Mew. Mew was seen gleaming with joy and adoration for his Mewlions.
“There [are] only [two] words that popped up on my mind when you guys [sang] the song. Mahal Kita.” He chimed that he found the fan video project “so cute” and was trying his best not to cry from being emotional. A celebratory cake accompanied by the fans singing “happy birthday” was brought on stage even if it is not his birthday.

“Thank you for always supporting me and giving me the world. I don’t have much to say, you know. I love you guys so much… If I say more, I’m gonna cry.”
It was also revealed that Mew took some photos at the fan photo booth at the lobby of Samsung Hall earlier, and he was giving away autographed prints to 2 lucky fans who would find special stickers stuck under their seat.
It was definitely a night to remember for Mewlions, to see their dear Mew Suppassit smile and spend the night with them; a core Mew-mory indeed to cherish for a lifetime.
Mew 2023 Fanmeet in Manila is brought to us by MakeItLive.
Article: Jamie Aves
Photos: Mikhaela Javier
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