Cutie Pie 1st Fan Meeting in Manila 2023

The cutie pies “ZeeNunew” (NuNew Chawarin and Zee Pruk), “MaxNat” (Max Saran and Nat Natasitt) and “TutorYim” (Tutor Koraphat and Yim Pharinyakorn) arrived in Manila for the “Cutie Pie 1st Fanmeeting in Manila” last Jun 17, 2023 at the Aliw Theater.

Welcome to Manila!

The cast of Cutie Pie Series performs “If You Love” by Waii X Koen, the one of the OSTs of the series. They greeted the fans in Thai and Filipino which made the crowd totally went wild. Max also shared that the energy is every high and he’s sure that everyone will enjoy the show and his heart is beating fast because of excitement. NuNew also finds the Filo cuties really, really cute!

TutorYim warms up the stage

Tutor and Yim entered the stage with a special performance on “Suddenly.” The heartwarming song made the fans sing along with the couple as they shower their love throughout their performance.

Following their performance, TutorYim played the game “Tutor, Yim and the Pirate King” where the two plays the mini jumping pirate game as they share trivas and answer question about each other.

TMI: They really know each other well, especially when one of them is sad or having low energy. Yim jokingly said that he’s emotional but he is still always handsome. Tutor always relies on Yim. Since they knew a lot between them, Yim didn’t want to play Tutor’s role on the series because he already did well in portraying his role. There’s a cute habit/gesture that Tutor always does and Yim reenacted it.

Focus on MaxNat

MaxNat is the second couple to go up the stage with a duet on “Alone.” The two fondly played the game “Dare To Ask?” where random questions are stick in each of them and one will be blindfolded and randomly picks a question.

TMI: They have different music taste but enjoy listening to the same song especially when driving, they made a playlist that both of them likes. Max also likes to listen to music so he can sleep. Max said that he knows what Nat do during his sleep.

The crowd went wild when Max said “Nat wakes up in the middle of the night when we sleep together” and immediately clarified that he was talking about sleepovers!

Our Cutie Pies, Zee and NuNew

Zee and NuNew, the main couple of the night made everyone’s heart melt as they perform “It’s You.” After their performance, they played the game “XOXO” which is a compability game. This game allowed the fans to know more about the similarities and differences between Zee and NuNew.

TMI: Zee wants to shower first before resting while NuNew is the exact opposite because he said that he’s too tired to do so. They love to eat more and stay up late as well as going to amusement parks. When asked if what season is more memorable for them, they initially answered differently but later changed their answers to both.

Paper Dance with the Cutie Pies

One of the show highlight is the game called “Dance with me, cutie” more popularly known as the Manila Paper Dance normally played during parties in the Philippines. Winning team will choose a lucky fan from the audience to have a signed shirt from the cast.

MaxNat won but everyone, including the fans, felt the kilig and fun while the papers are slowly turning into a small one and the couples are getting closer. The cast really know how to catch the heart of their Filipino cuties, no wonder that the series became a hit not only in Thailand but also in the Philippines.

A special night for Cutie Pie cast and Filo cuties

They returned on stage wearing Barong Tagalog. After watching the fan video made by the Filipino cuties, they thanked the fans for the fan projects and hoped to come back the soonest because they had so much fun and felt the support of the fans.

Nat added that they want to see how beautiful the Philippines is. Yim also received birthday cakes while the crowd sang their birthday greetings for him.

NuNew’s performance of ‘Pano’ by Zack Tabudlo

NuNew surprised the fans with his version of Zack Tabudlo’s Pano. He said on the press conference that he wants to have a collaboration with Zack Tabudlo. They ended the fan meeting with Lauv’s “I Like me better” wile throwing gifts (balls) to the fans. Cutie Pie 1st Fanmeeting in Manila is presented by Wish Us Luck.

#CutiePie1stFanMeetinginMNL2023 #CutiePieTheSeries


  • Mikhaela Javier

    Oppa is Life is a page I created in 2019 when I felt the need for another virtual space to pour out my feels, musings and fangirl experiences. It started as a Facebook fanpage but I later on decided to open other social media accounts because a single Facebook page just doesn’t feel enough.

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