A band that’s a bit lowkey but the lyrics go straight to your heart. THE ROSE lifted me up through their songs. They live up to their song album “Heal The World” by healing each of our childhood traumas one by one and making us live again through their music. THE ROSE, formed in 2017, is composed of members Kim Woosung, Park Dojoon, Lee Hajoon, and Lee Jaehyeong.
With mostly English songs, THE ROSE, a South Korean boy band, produces songs that scream ‘healing’, personal growth, and self-love. Here are some of the reasons why I started to like them recently. I’ve seen them perform live during CONQUEST 2023 and that’s also when I started tot fall in love with their songs.

Another huge trauma for everyone is “insecurities” towards physical appearance and that’s one of the main focuses of the song “Definition of Ugly is.” I haven’t really seen a group or band that conveys their messages so nicely through a song the way THE ROSE built their album from “Childhood” experiences to the present.
The nostalgic feeling of going back to “Childhood” and simply thinking of the little dreams we had that only existed in our minds, is the main concept of this song and they nailed it. From their music video down to the lyrics, The Rose will remind you that life is too short and your mistakes in your childhood wouldn’t define who you are now.

“Cause everybody fears the one, the one thing they can’t cure.” After going through the pandemic, I can still remember the extreme fear that I felt, the moment that I needed to go out for the first time. It wasn’t just a battle of experts to find the cure for a disease, it is also a battle of keeping your sanity in isolation. It is finding the ‘cure’ within yourself and keeping yourself alive.
“This is the last time closing scene to your story,
Thank you for your time, cheers to a new opening.
… Time will heal us.”
One of my favorite songs of THE ROSE, “Time” acknowledged how we exactly feel at the moment and validated our healing process. The lyrics say “The Healing Won’t Be Overnight” and that’s what we wanted to hear from people but we barely do. As a GEN Z who is exposed to Millennials and GEN Zs as well, there’s a huge difference in how they treat traumas and “the healing” process so I usually end up listening to Kpop songs as a remedy.
Can we just say “Yes?”
A pretty good finale for this album, “Yes?” encourages you to leave your past “traumas” and worries behind, be open to new experiences, and don’t be afraid to say “Yes” to new beginnings.
Now, if you are looking for songs to cheer you up or find the ‘cure’ and healing that you need from music, THE ROSE’s songs are good options to add on your playlist!
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