It’s time to wish upon a star as Globe makes the fans’ wishes come true through its recently organized exclusive fanmeet “The Globe’s Reach 4 The Stars” in BGC last November 20. This is the second part of F4 Thailand‘s Bright, Win, Dew, and Nani (BWDN)’s activities in the Philippines in efforts to meet the fans during their first visit to Manila!

Just as how Globe surprised everyone with this event, we are also surprised at how fast the ticketing for this event happened! Globe users can claim their tickets to the show through the GlobeOne App. 10 points for the seated (super limited) and 5 points for the standing tickets. The seated tier got sold too fast that we were not able to see it on the app itself. The standing tickets were sold a few minutes after.
Lucky enough, four days before the event itself, we received an invite for an exclusive interview with non-other than F4! Yes, we are meeting Thyme, Ren, Kavin and MJ in flesh! Still shaking, I managed to send them my questions for approval. But since I am extremely nervous, surprised and excited at the same time, I ended up sending some weird mistake on the question. Nevertheless, this is indeed the best plot twist of 2022!
D-Day! The Globe Reach 4 The Stars with Bright, Win, Dew, and Nani
Still, with a hangover from the Shooting Star Concert, it’s time to fulfill my duty representing all the fangirls supporting our page Oppa Is Life and ticking off a part of my wish list and fangirl bucket list to meet and talk with the boys personally.
Some of the fans lined-up straight from the concert (Yes, despite the pouring rain!) to make sure that they’ll be able to score a good area at the venue. But to be honest, the space is not super big so any area is already enough to be called a ‘good spot.’ The weather is crazy that day, it will be sunny in a hour and will simply rain for a few minutes. The mixed-up weather is indeed tiring but that wouldn’t stop the fans from meeting the four flower boys!!
F4 Thailand’s wishes for 2023
As we got the chance to ask the boys of F4 Thailand a question if there is still something that they wish for upon a shooting star, we were surprised by the diversity of their answers.

Dew Jirawat: “I want to have unlimited money.”
Knowing Dew being the dorkiest among the four, he jokingly said that he wanted to have unlimited money and laughed at his own answer afterward. By the way, he also added that he’ll be starring in a drama where he will play the role of a ‘rich’ student with the typical ‘rich problems’ and fans should be excited about it!

Win Metawin: “I want to bring back time.”
Contrary to Dew’s, Win gave us an answer in a more serious tone. He said that he is somehow facing a lot of problems right now and wishes to bring back time just so he could fix it. Whatever hardships you are experiencing right now, we are always rooting for your happiness and success Win!

Bright Vachirawit: “I wish I have enough time to sleep.”
Bright shared that 24 hours is enough for them. As superstars of Thailand, it has always been a jam-packed schedule for Bright and the rest of F4. To brighten up the mood, the host jokingly said there’s still 25 minutes before the formal program starts and Bright can still have a nap before the show.

Nani: “I hope to meet all the fans in all countries.”
Nani, despite being a man of few words, definitely gave us one of the memorable answers. His overly confident personality in the drama F4 Thailand as ‘MJ’ is far from the hardworking and shy personality we met personally through today’s interview. The host also teased Nani that he should try going out of the interview booth so he could see the power of his Pinoy fans who can shower them so much love!
Related Read: 27th Asian Television Awards, Shooting Star Concert
This experience is quite a surprise for me and the rest of the Oppa is Life team as they all knew how much I fangirled over F4 Thailand in 2021. It still felt like a dream come true to see these four flower boys right in front of me and Globe just truly made the “Shooting Stars” come to Manila to make our dreams come true.
Thank you so much for this opportunity Globe Telecom and GMMTV. Also a big thank you for being so game with the interview question Bright Vachirawit, Win Metawin, Dew Jirawat and Nani Hirunkit!
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